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Thierry Boyer, President of Monsanto China Region, delivered a keynote speech at the 3rd GELS |
Thierry Boyer, President of Monsanto China Region, delivered a keynote speech at the 3rd GELS |
outline of the speech (for more speech info, please feel free to contact us):
Agricultural Innovation: “The Key to Maintain Food Security in China” 农业创新 : “保障中国粮食安全的最重要因素” Thierry Boyer/田博益, 孟山都中国区总裁 China’s Population and Economic Growth Demands More Food 中国人口及经济增长推高对粮食的需求 Demand for Food Supply in China is increasing 农产品供应压力增大 China Will Continue To Import More Grain To Balance The Deficiency Of Local Production 中国将继续进口农产品来弥补当地生产的不足 作物高产必须建立在多项技术的综合利用 Higher Crop Yields Lie at the Intersection of Multiple Technologies Monsanto Company 孟山都公司 农业是我们唯一的业务 “Agriculture is our only business” 孟山都在吉林的投资 Monsanto Investment in Jilin Conclusion: Monsanto committed to Chinese agriculture 结论: 孟山都致力于中国农业的发展 Become the preferred partner to help address the challenges of food security & sustainability and improve farmers’ lives in China. | |
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